Part 65: Reminiscing while Looking Through the Window
Music: Razzle Dazzle

Remember when we sold the wax to Tony for his audition? The novel revealed that he didn't pass

Music stops

I'm woken up by the sound coming from the TV.

You can't ask that when you just said it's from the TV.

I'm too lazy to make a sprite for Kyle waking up

"Now for today's special feature. We take a look at the jewellery robberies that rocked LA two decades ago.

market, but the group itself vanished from the face of the earth some 13 years ago.

and considering the possibility that they may be connected to these past robberies. This is Robert Harrison for 5 News, signing off."
We now can interact with the TV as normal, but we've seen all the other channels (Cool Pop commercial, sitcom, Pinkie Rabbit), so let's just turn it off and move on with our lives.
Music: Mulling It Over

It all comes back to me, I remember talking to Dylan, then being invited to the bar by Tony for a few drinks. As I try to get my thoughts from the day before in order, I make my way over to the window and open the blinds.

As I gradually open them, I see the familiar backdrop come into focus before me.

Now that I think about it, my mom must have seen a similar sight... After my dad was killed, on the morning Mom and I planned to leave this town, she stood in front of the window in the room she'd once shared with Dad. She said nothing, just stared into the distance.
Music: Heating Up

Music: Overstepped Memory
That's our cue to go to the...
*Machine sounds*

Wasn't that elevator broken? Why would they bother fixing it this close to demolition?

Music: Blue Lady

mags2: After all the inconvenience, it has finally been repaired.

Yeah, that makes sense.

But what will happen to the drinks?

By trouble, do you mean threats?

I heard from Dylan
I can see nothing wrong with doing this

Aside from the secret you obviously have? No reason.

Mrs Patrice heads back to her room.
Yep. Nothing is wrong here

Music: Overstepped Memory
Now that the distraction's over, let's actually go get some food po...

...oh. That's a shame.
Knock No point knocking on the door of a closed café.

Yes, this is what I meant when I said it's mandatory for us to buy a drink. Whichever drink we buy here will give us the winning bottle cap (if we didn't have it already).

I open the bottle and glug the whole thing down.

*beeping sound*

I'm sure you guys are itching to try out the elevator now that it's fixed. I'm sad to tell you that the elevator is not a shortcut since it actually takes a longer time than just going up the stairs. So we won't be looking at it right now.
Instead, we'll just go up the stairs and go back to...

I probably should've made a count of the number of times Kyle said "Huh?". It probably could've rivaled Ceodore (although this game has much more dialogue, so it's not a fair comparison).
Music: Ace of Diamonds

Music: Joke's On You

Goddammit Dylan! I thought you were better than that!
Music: Dream's End

Tony: 7
Dylan: 4
Frank: 3
Mags: 2
Charles: 2
Rex: 1
Marie: 1
Betty: 1
Punch: 5
Yes, I'm blaming Dylan for this. He should've known the risks of being an informant